Oh no! Snow! 😾

We woke up to snow this morning:Dukie, you and I are staying inside for a while:As you know, Stormy is trying to recover from an abscess in his left front hoof.  He spent last night in his stall, but he’s being let out for the day, so he doesn’t go “stall crazy”:Don’t let that hoof get muddy, Stormy.  (But don’t worry if you do: it’ll get soaked in epsom salts tonight, until it’s sparkling clean!) 🐎

Get well, Stormy! 🐎

Sophie and I say, “Good morning!”And so does this pinch bug (it’s springtime and the bugs are coming out)!Finally, we’ve been wondering whether or not Stormy is feeling well.  Well, last night, Ann discovered his left front hoof was cracked.  Oh no!Dr. Deke took a look at him this morning. It turns out the hoof has an abscess.  The crack was caused by the abscess draining. Stormy will get antibiotics and therapeutic foot-soakings until it goes away.Unfortunately he’ll have to be on “lockdown” for a day or so, until the medicine starts working:Don’t try to pull back the door, Stormy, you’ll hurt your teeth.  Just stay quiet, and with your medicine and foot-baths, you’ll be better soon! 🐴

Dukie goes for a dip! 😺

Stormy’s looking a little better today. We were worried about him, because, yesterday, he had some trouble getting up.It’s just above freezing and cloudy, so we need some “sunshine in a stick!”And look who’s having fun down by the creek—it’s Dukie!She’s even jumping in!I suppose no water is too cold for a labrador retriever! 🐴

Are you sick, Stormy? 🐎

Stormy was laying down yesterday afternoon, and it took a while to get him up:He was laying down this morning, too. Although he did get up on his own:Don’t worry, Stormy, we’re keeping an eye on you.  If you don’t perk up soon, we’ll call the vet. 🐴

Other than that, get your foot off the gate, Rose:If you catch your hoof on it, you could lose a shoe! 🐎

Spiders respect our privacy! 🕷

Another sign of the season: the spiders are making webs over the security cameras:The cameras emit a light that attract bugs. 🦟

I’m afraid we don’t have much else to say today, so let’s watch a movie!

Carrots make any day a sunny day! 🐎

It’s back below freezing! 😾

Last night and this morning it was very windy, and the temperature dropped; but we’re happy because it’s helping to dry up the mud:And we’re looking a little fluffier and feeling good. . .Because Ann gave us a nice brushing:Dukie won’t have muddy paws today!Other than that, Nugget is up on our hay:Please don’t lay an egg, Nugget. 🐔

Curious configuration of cats! 😺

Good morning.  We’re not up to much today:We’re still waiting for the mud to dry:Let’s look at some pictures from the security camera:  Last Friday there were 5 kitties in the hay barn (no big surprise, of course):And last night, 3 cats were sleeping up against each other:They made a kitty cloverleaf! 😺

Let’s lay an egg! 🐔

We’re staying inside today, again.  There was more rain overnight, so more mud:Jewel says, “Just put me back in my stall today (with three flakes of hay).”What can you do when it’s too muddy to go out?  If you’re like Paschal, you can make a nest with your sawdust:Or, like Nugget, you can use some hay:Snug and dry birds make snug and dry eggs! 🐔

More rain and more mud 😾

Don’t step on the red tape.  It’s a weak floor board (although I think the chickens would be safe):We’re having hay inside:The mud is 4-hooves-deep! 🐎

Chickens, start packing! 🐔

Chezzie says, “Good morning!  It rained overnight, so we have brand new mud.”I’m inside where it’s dry:Over the weekend, Mary and Mara cleaned out this area by the hay barn:And under the hay barn:Then all day yesterday, Mary set up chicken wire to make this room predator-proof (we hope):Start packing, chickens.  You’ll be moving soon:So check it out, and tell us what you think! 🐓

Eggs for the manure pile 🐔

Misty says, “Good morning!”I may look a little grumpy; but, it’s actually a nice, temperate morning, and I’m feeling ok:It’s just that I'm having to listen to the chickens cackle:Speaking of chickens, they’ve been laying eggs in the ducks’ house.  “Maintenance” just got around cleaning them out:Since they’re too old to feed to the kitties, on the manure pile they go! 😿

Ducks in the tub. 🦆

We’re trying hard to dry out:We hope the new grass drinks up all the water we’ve had:Dukie is patiently waiting for chores to be done, so she can have her walk:And Aoife and Edina are getting their first real bath of the season:Splish-splash-quack! 🦆

Things are getting green! 🍀

It absolutely poured overnight.  Just look at all the water in the manure cart:Speaking of manure, there’s a lot of it to clean up this morning, because we spent all night inside:Onslow is playing king-of-the-hill, except with hay:One of these hooves has a shoe, and one doesn’t.  Both hooves belong to Stormy:Don’t worry, Stormy.  We’ll call our friend Travis, and he’ll put it back on:Finally, it’s finally starting to get green around here!  We have little sprouts of grass:And clover:And even dandelions:Hurry, little plants, and grow! 🍀

Security is everbody’s business! 🐴

The good news is it’s still in the 40’s.  The bad news is it’s rainy and windy enough to make it feel very chilly.  Don’t burn your comb, Hansel!The hens have been using the ducks’ house to lay eggs.  There’s certainly no wind or rain there:Let’s take a look at what was on the security cameras while we were still waking up:Above, are two kitties asleep on the hay. My guess is, it’s Buttons on the left, and Zelda on the right.These cameras provide a nice overview of our property.  As you can see, no suspicious activity.This camera let’s the cat-cops see that our gate is securely locked at all times.And here we see RC having a chat with Rose, with little Me in the red circle.There are other cameras that I’m forbidden to show you.Security Chief Schroeder says those locations are TOP SECRET! 😾

We wish we had green grass for St. Patrick’s Day 🍀

Don’t I have a beautiful smile?Couldn’t you just kiss me? 🍀

No news is good news! 😺

It will be almost 70 today (don’t stick your tongue out, Chezzie)!Alfred and Onslow are wailing at each other (which of course is nothing new):And the ducks are getting a bath:Don’t hog the tub, Pooter! 🦆

The ides of March! 🙀

The sky is full of chattering birds!The garage is full of chattering chickens:

Speaking of chickens, let’s watch a video all about Baldy! 🐓

What big spurs! 🐓

What a nice morning! 😺

It’ll be in the 60’s for the next two days. We wish were looking happier, but breakfast was 2 hours late (the internet needed attention):Hey Buttons, if you want to go anywhere, your feet have to touch the ground:Jewel needs her face washed (which we’ll do right away).  She wants her face spotless (so she can roll in the mud again):And Onslow caught a sparrow:Onslow says. . .”A bird in the mouth is worth a flock in the tree!” 🐦

Hurry warm weather! 🐴

The time changed, so the sun’s a little lower at breakfast time:It’s not shining in the cat garage just yet:We all lost an hour of sleep, so Alfred went back to bed:But Betty is wide awake and ready for the day:Watch out, stable mice! 🐭

Below zero windchill 😾

It’s a good morning to stay out of the wind:All the chickens are huddled under the heat lamp, except Nugget:And what do you have there, Betty?Oh my. . .Poor dove. 😿

Snow really bugs us! 🐞

Baldy has been waiting for this just-delivered, well-fresh water:It’s time to get off my alfalfa pellets, Finn:Just look at all of this new snow:I’m cleaning up the feed in Misty’s stall:Misty’s the first one out this morning (as you know, it’s usually me):Finally, presenting the first boxelder bug of the coming spring:It reminds us, that while we’re still complaining about the cold, before we know it, we’ll be complaining about the flies! 🐎

Horse Crime! 🐎

Good morning!What are Iris and Rosie doing outside their fence?And what is Jewel doing inside their fence?Did they break down the nice new gate?No, as you can see above, it looks fine.  So what’s going on, girls?Oh!  Those black zip-ties broke (I’m sure after somebody gave it a big PUSH)!Luckily it was easy to fix.  Iris, Rose, and Jewel—whoever it was—you’ll have to push a lot harder next time.  Not only is the twine tougher than those zip-ties; the bottom of the fence is now buried in the ground. 🐴

The birds are building their nests! 🐦

I’ll admit this isn’t a clear picture, but this sparrow has a strand of hay in its beak:Hey Nugget!  Don’t eat the old food.  That’s for the sparrows!Just look at this breakfast.  What chicken could want more?Cracked corn, layer food, and mealworms! 🐔

Cold, sunny, and a movie! 😺

It was only 18 this morning, but the sun is out and the temperature is climbing:Here’s the picture from yesterday, to remind you of the snow:We’re glad to see it’s not hanging around:Buttons and Zelda are in prime positions for sunbathing:

Finally, let’s watch a video of an opossum in the hay barn:

Cats make lousy watch-dogs. 😾

Snowy Monday 🐎

Can you see the folds in the skin of Rose’s neck?  Look near the coat:That’s because Mary and Mara shaved her, so her natural coat will grow back nice and even, for spring horse shows!Iris got the same treatment.  But, we woke up to this this morning. . .So it’s not spring, yet:Don’t worry, it’s only about an inch, and it should melt by this afternoon.And we all had yummy carrots before we went out! 🐎

Colorful coats! 🐎

RC and Chavez would love to say Good morning—but, you know, breakfast:There was a storm overnight, which brought in a cold and windy morning; but yesterday it was in the 60’s.  Here’s Rose and Iris having a bath:Afterwards, they got to wear their new drying coats:They are like big towels. . .And while they get dry, they’ll stay warm! 🐴

Suspicious-looking horse treats 🐎

How’s it going this morning?Here are two pretty geese, seen on the way to the farm:Come on outside buzzards and kitties, it’s too nice a day to stay inside!Mary and Mara moved our feed bins out of the mud and onto nice dry ground:And what kind of horse treats are these? Peppermint Plops?They look like someone ate a lot of peppermints and made a poopie!We think that’s part of the joke.  I’m sure the “poopies” are actually tasty horse cookies. 🐎

I’m outraged! (but then I settled down) 🐴

Betty is once again keeping watch by the security camera:Hey, Jewel!  I’m the only one allowed to eat hay straight from the wheelbarrow!Oh!  Now, you too, Chavez?  I’m telling!Nevermind—it won’t hurt me to share.  I’ll admit it's nice eating hay from the wheelbarrow. . .It’s easier on your neck! 🐎

The cats had a guest for breakfast 😾

Yesterday was 61, today it’s 30 degrees colder:And, there’s sleet:Finally, look who we found helping himself to cat food in the garage:It’s im-possum-ble! 🙀

Mud, mud, go away! 🐎

It’s obvious that Misty and Stormy have been rolling in the mud.  Don’t worry, they’ll get a brushing (and go roll in the mud again):But I know it’s too muddy to roll, so I’m staying clean and fluffy:Baldy says, “Good morning!”And what has Onslow excited?ONE HUNDRED cans of cat food! 😺

My eye feels fine! 🐴

Yesterday everyone was worried about my eye.  But it was looking better last night, and today my eyes are their luminous, expressive selves!  We celebrated my recovery with carrots!Spring must be near, because the daffodils are on their way!And Chezzie is sticking out his tongue:A clean, pink tongue means a healthy horse! 🐎

© Ann's Horse Farm 2024