Poor swallow 🐦

The body of a swallow was discovered this morning:Department of Horsefarm Security Chief Luigi is conducting an investigation:But, you can bet, if paw prints are found on the body—the case will go very cold, very quickly. 🐴

More sky-cows 🎈

Egg hunt 🐴

L’orange and Paschal have been piling up eggs in the kitty carrier (no one thought to look there):


This weekend we have been plagued by balloons.  We must keep staring daggers in their direction lest they come too close!That’s it, you just stay over in your pasture and we’ll stay in ours.They’re just like big round "sky-cows!"

Flying Horses! 🐎

Mary and Mara give Stormy and Iris a workout in the front pasture:

Cat fun! 😺

Luigi’s adventures in bubble-wrap:

The ducks tuck in to a cat food treat! 😿

The advantage of being me 🐴

Here I am “cutting the grass,” while all the people who would run away like maniacs are under lock-down:I also do landscaping:

Horse crime! (we need the electric fixed really bad) 🐴

We have a new kitty (whether we want one or not) 🐴

Meet Lynx!He wandered onto the farm (or was dropped off) and shows no sign of leaving.  He is very people-friendly (which means very soon he’ll be going to the you-know-where to get you-know-what-ed).  Here he is fitting right in at breakfast:

What a great team! 🐎

Mary hosted an Augustana riding team meeting Saturday night!  Stormy, Chavez and Iris provided the entertainment:

Luigi says. . . 😺

“I’ve been taking this hayride for 10 years and it’s just as boring as ever. . . ."

Gas-burner versus hay-burner 🐎

Misty challenges John Deere to a mowing match:

Once again, for those of you without aquariums or houseplants 🐴

Minnie and the nuggets dust bathe.  Not too exciting, but watch them perk up as a tractor goes down the road:

Weed whackers! 🐎

Free-range McNuggets 🐔

Minnie and the chicks invade my space:

We got a nice visit from Mara and Christina! 🐎

Yesterday afternoon was cool and sunny, and Iris and Chezzie got a fun ride:

More Lakenvelder mischief 🐓

The nasty Hans and Dietrich explore the feed shed:Maybe they’ll find a mouse to terrorize:

Kanna checks out the menu (in her dreams) 😿

Finally, a change on the menu 🐴

We had some nice apples for breakfast this morning! 🐎

What is it with cats and dirty water? 🐴

Pumpkin samples water that just ran off our roof today:

What’s our Dot doing today? 🐔

Q: How long is Dot going to wait to be served her mealworms?

A: Not long. . .

Francis as Phantom of the Opera (or Phantom of Charlie’s stall) 🐎

Here I am in a high-art picture (or at least as close as we get around here):

There was evil in our midst this morning 😺

Evil cat showed up again this morning. We’re happy his hair is growing back, since he lost so much of it in July (link):See if you can find him in this photo of the family having breakfast:

Fascinating fungus 🐴

We figure it’s only a matter of time before one of the cats tries to perch on it:It should be good for a laugh or two:

We’re overdue for a bat-check 🐴

It was well over 90 degrees yesterday afternoon, so that brings the bats out before dark:

Don’t lick your paw, Schroeder 🐴

This morning we found Schrödinger gently paw-probing Mr. Toad in the corner of the garage:

It’s hot again today, but it can’t last. . . 🐴

Here I am posing by our freshly repaired fence (hopefully no one will wreck their car against it this winter):

Chickens vs Grasshopper (Round Two)

Pumpkin is pleased 😺

Nothing is tastier than a freshly-opened bag of cat food:

© Ann's Horse Farm 2024