Donkeys are not morning people 🐴

Good morning.Hang on. . .I’ve gotta YAWN! 🐴

Where’s RC? 🐴

This is different. . .Stormy is out eating with me before RC! 🐎Oh, wait—here he comes.I missed you, RC. 🐴

Kitty Capers 😺

Schroeder kept the cat-cops busy by running all over the farm house (here he is exploring the basement):And Major Tom stays toasty by the space heater:Good for you, Major Tom, for staying a safe distance from the heater. 😺

Fowl Thanksgiving 🐔

Gretel awakens this morning to a feast:

Here’s a video of her pecking away:


Clear, crisp Sunday 🐴

Not much going on this morning. . .Just me having a solitary moment with my hay. 🐴

Dukie meets the Horses 🐎

Dukie came out to the farm yesterday with Bill:We had seen her before, from a distance, but we weren’t sure if we should allow her in our paddock (I know wasn’t):But Dukie was very nice.  And we all followed her and Bill around:We decided that she’s a very nice dog!

Get well, Aunt Susie! 🐴

Friday morning is warm and bright:We’re all having a nice breakfast:In the department of Thanksgiving Leftovers, we had intended for Schroeder to be in our Thanksgiving pageant. . .But he just wasn’t taking his part seriously. 🙀

The Ann's Horse Farm Theater Guild present The First Thanksgiving 🦃

The cats and I are reenacting the first Thanksgiving:Noodle and Finn play members of the Wampanoag tribe:We invited the other cats to participate, but they weren’t really enthused:Happy Thanksgiving! 🐴

Cold Wednesday morning, but bright and sunny! 🐴

I’m thankful that I always have first crack at the hay. . .I’d hate to compete with our favorite swarm of locusts every day! 🐴

Hey Pumpkin, do you smell smoke? 🐴

Pumpkin needs a lesson in Fire Safety! 🙀She is definitely too close to the space heater! 🙀Her hair is sticking through the protective grating! 🙀Move away Pumpkin, so you don’t end up a crispy critter! 🐴

Kitties by the creek 😺

Finn and Noodle are down by the creek this morning:Here’s Finn basking in the sun (Noodle ran off somewhere):And here she is way down by the water:She had to hop down many rocks to get there. 😺

Charlie is a repeat offender 🐎

Once again, Charlie spends the night with the farm equipment:But RC and I can’t be bothered to watch the cat-cops get her out. . .We’re out enjoying the sunny Sunday morning! 🐴

Great day if you’re a duck 🐴

We ate our breakfast in the rain today.I had to come in and shake the rain off. 🐴

How to stay warm if you're a cat 😺

Kanna keeps cozy in a nesting box, while Pumpkin basks under a heat lamp:And it looks like Finn has the heater reserved for the afternoon:You’ll have a lot of company, Finn, when it’s 5 below! 🐴

Horse crime 🐎

This morning, Charlie was found stuck behind the manure carts:You would think if she were smart enough to get back there, she would be smart enough to get out. 🐴

Quiet breakfast with friends 🐔

Finn and Kanna invite Dot to breakfast:Chicken is great whether it’s in the can or walking around the farm! 🐔

The Department of Horsefarm Security never sleeps 😺

DHS Chief Schrödinger stands guard at the front door:He’s on the lookout for any suspicious packages that aren’t marked “cat food.” 😺

Sunny crisp Monday 🐴

We’re having a nice breakfast, and enjoying the sun. 🐎Henry and Iris have their hay next to our new, two-headed horse. 🐴

At least it’s above freezing this morning 🐴

There’s snow mixed with rain this morning.Finn decides it’s a good day to stay in bed (in this case, “bed” is a pile of wood chips in Iris’s stall). 😺

Kanna’s getting better 😺

Kanna, who has a bad cold, came home from the vet feeling much better.She’s keeping warm, and brought back plenty of medicine for the other cats’ sniffles. 😺

Thirsty horses 🐎 and ailing kitties 😾

The girls (Charlie, Misty and Iris) share a drink:And poor Kanna has runny eyes and is coughing. She went to the vet this morning:Get well, Pretty Cat! 😺

Traffic jam on the bridge 🐴

Here I am, patiently waiting for Her Majesty (Iris) to finish what she’s eating and move along:We’ve found it’s not safe to walk around her unless you can give her a wide berth. . .And I was in no mood yesterday afternoon to get kicked in the creek.

Cat cubby-holes 😺

Schroeder finds the duck’s nesting box to be a great hangout:And so does Kanna:Poor ducks! 😺

Fowl deeds 🐴

Paschal, L’Orange and Pooter were caught, again, perilously closed to the road!Those trucks aren’t your friends! 🙀

Gretel gets her feathers back 🐔

Poor Gretel has had a bald head and back all summer:But she has new feathers coming in, just in time for winter! 🐔

We hate when the time changes in the fall 🐎

“Central Standard Time” my hoof! 🐴Our breakfast was one hour late! 🐎

Rainy Saturday 🐴

It’s a drizzly, chilly morning. . .But Kanna’s staying toasty under the heat lamp. 😺

Happy Friday! 🐴

Misty and Nimbus keep each other company in Misty’s stall.Sorry about the flashbulb eyes. 🙀

Oh great, I’m an Uber 🐴

Noodle and Finn said they needed a ride down to the creek:I was feeling charitable this morning, so I thought, Why not? 🐴Along the way, the cats confessed they could’ve gotten to the creek a lot faster by themselves. . .But my back is so warm and cozy (I guess that’s a cat-compliment). 😺

Gretel is a smart chicken 🐔

Each morning, Gretel always makes sure she’s found in her nesting box:She knows she’ll get breakfast in bed:While the other chickens are out scratching around in the cold, she’s about to have cracked corn and mealworms! 🐔

© Ann's Horse Farm 2024