Evil Cat makes a rare appearance

The cats left the remains of a rabbit in the stable this morning (will spare you the pictures, just too gross).

But here’s a nice picture of Schrödinger having a drink, to take our minds off the slaughter the fluffy little assassins just wreaked:

Forgot to mention:

This year for non-denominational winter holiday the cats got us each a pet sparrow**some assembly required.

Morning grooming

Licky. . .. . .Lickety. . .. . .Lick.

It’s im-possum-ble!

We are recovering. . .

. . .and I don’t mean from the cold Shroeder had in his eyes, although that is better and his eyes are clear as a bell. We are recoverying from my 2007 iMac calling it quits Christmas Day, so this morning I clippety-clopped to the Best Buy as fast as my hooves would carry me.  Here’s the first post from my shiny new machine!  Whatever you do, don’t be buyin' no Mac without buyin' a Time Capsule for backup!

Stormy and Chavez agree:

If you dye these things green, you’ll be all ready for March.

The following is not very Christmassy:

Ungulates on Ice!

Don’t expect us to fall, as we are very careful - but you’ll notice a hoof-slip or two.

If Pumpkin puffs up any more, she’s going to float off the tractor.

Today was in the upper 30’s, so Stormy spent the day without his blanket.

We had breakfast in the front pasture today to officially celebrate Stormy’s coming home.

Who needs road salt?

Strategically placed kitties will melt that snow in no time!

Now this thing here. . .

. . .is supposed to keep the winter wind from whizzing through the stable:Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. . .. . .but it looks like an art-deco, late-sixties room divider that has seen better days.

Scary cat face, starring Pumpkin!

Happiness is a warm tractor.

Kitties warily regard the first nasty snow of the season.  It had to happen sometime:After breakfast we find Schroeder curled up tighter than a wooly bear caterpillar:

Slow news day. . .

. . .but we’ve had geese spending the night in the field across the street for the past week or so (honkety-honkety-shut-the-heck-up).

Cat combat!

What is it with black-and-white kitties? Here we have, on the left, for the home team, the middle-weight, Schrödinger the Slaughterer; and for the visitors, in the right corner, the heavy-weight, Tux the Terminator:

photo - Version 2

The above picture was taken after the authorities broke up the match before blood was shed.  Both cats look thoroughly disgusted that a champion was undeclared but the cat cops decided both sides were playing dirty (Cat combat rule One: Keep the claws in the paws!).

Both sides are demanding a rematch but the cat cops are keeping that from happening as best they can.  In the pictures below you can see the pair doing some trash talking (caterwauling like sick cows) during their publicity shots:

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Stormy and Iris spent the day together.

By this weekend he’ll be transferred from administrative segregation to “gen-pop."

Basking in the sun.

Kitties compete for a place in the sun this freezy morning (and making a mess of the paper towels):

Schrödinger violates cat restrictions.

Schroeder went to the school across the street.  Cats are not allowed to cross the street for their own safety.  When confronted with his misdemeanor, his response was (I speak cat), “I did not recall crossing the street.”

May we have the surveillance photographs, please:

Stormy looks happy to be home.

Here he is this morning, frolicking once again in the front pasture, calling to the gang to join him:

It snowed all day, and by this evening most of us were snow covered.  Here are some pictures of us keeping Stormy company:

Welcome Home Stormy!

Our Stormy came home today (Saturday) from BlackHawk College in Galva.He’s spending the night in Chavez’s stall until he gets used to his old-new surroundings.  Mary has him so prettied-up from his semester on campus that we’re having trouble recognizing him.He’ll need his blanket too!  It was 4 degrees this morning.  Hopefully tomorrow (Sunday) it will be the 10 degrees warmer the weatherman promises.

Who glows prettiest in the sunset?

Misty says,

“No, I am not finished yet.”  (That’s pretty much all she says when she’s in her stall:  She’s a two-scooper, and her "munch, crib, look around - munch, crib, look around” eating style takes some time.)

The Sourpuss Council Reminds You:

On a friendlier note, Schrödinger went to the vet.  It turns out he has a little absess that is almost healed.  We also learned that he pooped in this carrier (T.M.I)!

A little interdepartmental friction

As loyal blog followers know, Luigi and/or Pumpkin and/or Kanna use our hay as a bed (when it’s not too cold, else they snuggle on their “hot pad").  They always have a full, fresh bale overnight, but the next day half of it goes for our breakfast and the rest waits for dinner. Luigi more often than not rides out on the wheelbarrow to make sure we take no more than exactly half the number of flakes (lest His Majesty’s daybed is mushier than need be).Here he was this past Monday, caterwauling some garbage about my flake being at least a flake and a half.  I told him to put his claws back in his paws and let me eat.  We eventually made nice - but for a while the gloves were off! 

Poor Schrödinger still has a gimpy right hind paw. Hopefully we’ll get him to the you-know-who soon.

Not too much going on, this warm evening (41 degrees at 5PM).

Just some lovely pictures of us.  Or, I should say, pictures of lovely us - the pictures aren’t that hot.

© Ann's Horse Farm 2024